Christ the Servant Ministry

We are a people strong in faith and faithful to God.  We have a big heart.   We love the Gospel.   The love of Christ is experienced in our life together.   Everything is about Jesus!   At Christ the Servant you find a home with God and his people.

We desire to be relevant to our community and make disciples of Jesus Christ.   We are transitioning to be more present in the community through a network of relationships, neighborhood events, and by offering a "roll over" 10-week course in Christianity called ALPHA.

We love joyful worship and music.  With a rich Lutheran heritage and hymns we are also open to changing worship forms, praise music, and staying meaningful to a new generation.   We are seeking to grow younger as a congregation!   We celebrate the Lord's presence with us in bread and wine.  Holy Communion is offered in our weekly worship services.

Christ the Servant Vision

Those of us at Christ the Servant are growing and moving toward a love and joy so contagious that it expands exponentially into our diverse community through a network of relationships.   Everyone is so excited about what God is doing that they want to be part of it.  Lives are being eternally changed by Jesus Christ through a discipleship revolution.