bible studies & Groups

Christ the Servant Lutheran offers a number of Bible Studies, Christian training, and groups where we come together to support one another.   See current offerings listed below.    If you are not finding a fit, please contact Cindy or Joe Beal for guidance and introduction.

sunday mornings

Children & youth

Jesus told us: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven”. -- Matthew 19:14   

From infancy through young adulthood, we intend to wrap our children and youth in His love and impart the Gospel to them.


CSLC has a beautiful, clean nursery where the youngest guests can play while their parents attend service.   See Cindy in the church office if you would like to use this service.

Children & Youth

Many activities are planned throughout the year, including Neighborhood Bible Camp which was held in  July .  Classes are developed and available when needed.


Youth in grades 6 - 8 meet Sundays at 10:00a.m. in the church to learn more about our Christian faith and what it means to them.   Study is augmented by activities, including hikes.   Three young men were confirmed in May.

Sundays @ 10:00a.m.

baptized, we live!

Bob Lee is teaching the current adult Bible Study between Sunday services.  The current focus is on the gift of baptism.

tuesday mornings  @ 9:30 a.m. @ church

women's study

This women’s group is currently studying When You Pray.   This study incorporates lessons from several different female Bible study leaders.   We look forward to more time sharing our love of Jesus and each other!

Tuesdays @ 11:30 @ church  

bring your lunch

men's connection

Using passages from  "Our Daily Bread" monthly booklet (freely available in the church lobby) as a launch point, this group of men gather to discuss a multitude of issues.   They learn from each other’s perspectives and seek to understand God’s purpose in current circumstances.   The men enjoy camaraderie over their lunches and also discuss ways to be excellent disciples.

Thursdays @10:00

In the Community Room (or thru Zoom)

Discovery Group

We are well into our study of the book of Hebrews.   This group enjoys each week's lesson and discussion.